Kate Farms Case Study

User Research
UI/ UX Design
Module Library
Style Guide
Heat Waves Co
Parents on a lifesaving mission created Kate Farms—a plant-based, sole source nutrition solution for clinicians and consumers alike. Kate Farms offers life-sustaining nutritional products with accessibility options for both drinking-abled and tube-feeding consumers, catering to a broad range of health needs.

Visit live site
Design Solutions
  • An interface that makes replenishing product easy
  • Clear experiences for users versus medical providers
  • Connecting the dots for the holistic healthcare journey
  • Making the science behind the nutrition approachable

Module Library
Kate Farms manages its e-commerce operations using a system that supports subscriptions and editorial content, facing challenges in maintaining a cohesive user experience. We addressed this with a comprehensive module library that allows seamless customization and consistent branding across platforms. This approach simplifies content management and enhances user interactions, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience throughout the website.

Shop All Page
The "Shop All" page offers a clear and straightforward navigation experience. It features a tab system for easy access to categories, streamlining the product discovery process. The layout presents products in an organized fashion, with essential details visible at a glance. Users can refine their searches with the “Filter & Sort” feature, allowing for quick customization based on formula type, flavor, or dietary needs.

Product Detail Page
Checkout Flow
The new Kate Farms website streamlined the user interface by using a consistent module and design system across platforms. This approach improved mobile site speed by 34%, reduced customer service inquiries, and increased engagement across key pages. It proved effective for both customers and Kate Farms' editors, enhancing user experience and simplifying backend management.